Don't decrease the goal. Increase the effort!
League President: Faith Stilling | 210-657-3484
League Vice President: Jeanette Kay | 210-857-6462
Secretary/Treasurer: Eric Gebhart | 210-454-3597
Sergeant at Arms: John Thunert | 210-829-8045
League Specific Rules
This league will be sanctioned by USBC
• No roving sub, 7 person roster only
• Legal Lineup: 2 people; one person of each gender, if both genders are not represented, the average for the missing gender must be carried as absent.
• A late bowler may bowl the current game until the other team has completed the 3rd frame. After the 3rd frame, the bowler must be carried as absent.
• No new roster positions may be filled the last 6 weeks of the league or during position rounds unless the team is carrying a vacant bowler. Bowlers must have bowled 9 games in the league to be eligible for position round unless filling a vacant position.
• Season ending average will be used to start the league. If a bowler does not have an average in the league, their highest book will be used. If they do not have a book, an average will be established the first night they bowl.
• Established and beginning book averages will be re-established over the first 9 games.
• Handicap will be calculated at 90% of 210. Vacant score is 130, Handicap for vacant is 72. Points awarded are 2 per game and 2 for total pins totaling 8 points per night.
If bowling a vacant or absent team, you must bowl within 50 pins of your team average and within 150 pins of total to take the points.
• Bowling unopposed as a team is permitted with notice to the secretary and opposing team captain. Make-ups must be bowled within 2 weeks of the regularly scheduled date or before the next position round.
• Last two weeks of bowling must be prepaid by the 6th week of bowling. If not paid by Week 6 then team forfeits games until paid. ·Any bowler leaving must give 2 weeks notice to the league secretary to leave in good standing. Any bowler that has been present to bowl and is
more than 2 weeks behind will forfeit the team games unless paid up to Image within 2 weeks.
• In the event of a tie for first position at the end of the league, a 1 game roll-off will be held. If a tie still exists, there will be an additional 9th & 10th frame roll-off until the tie is broken. All other ties will be decided by USBC rules.
• Only one individual or special award will be given to any one person or Team. In the absence of rules stated here, USBC rules shall prevail.
• Each team must take turns selling 50/50 tickets, if a team refuses to sell tickets on their turn, that team will be excluded from the payout benefit at prize fund distribution.
• No roving sub, 7 person roster only
• Legal Lineup: 2 people; one person of each gender, if both genders are not represented, the average for the missing gender must be carried as absent.
• A late bowler may bowl the current game until the other team has completed the 3rd frame. After the 3rd frame, the bowler must be carried as absent.
• No new roster positions may be filled the last 6 weeks of the league or during position rounds unless the team is carrying a vacant bowler. Bowlers must have bowled 9 games in the league to be eligible for position round unless filling a vacant position.
• Season ending average will be used to start the league. If a bowler does not have an average in the league, their highest book will be used. If they do not have a book, an average will be established the first night they bowl.
• Established and beginning book averages will be re-established over the first 9 games.
• Handicap will be calculated at 90% of 210. Vacant score is 130, Handicap for vacant is 72. Points awarded are 2 per game and 2 for total pins totaling 8 points per night.
If bowling a vacant or absent team, you must bowl within 50 pins of your team average and within 150 pins of total to take the points.
• Bowling unopposed as a team is permitted with notice to the secretary and opposing team captain. Make-ups must be bowled within 2 weeks of the regularly scheduled date or before the next position round.
• Last two weeks of bowling must be prepaid by the 6th week of bowling. If not paid by Week 6 then team forfeits games until paid. ·Any bowler leaving must give 2 weeks notice to the league secretary to leave in good standing. Any bowler that has been present to bowl and is
more than 2 weeks behind will forfeit the team games unless paid up to Image within 2 weeks.
• In the event of a tie for first position at the end of the league, a 1 game roll-off will be held. If a tie still exists, there will be an additional 9th & 10th frame roll-off until the tie is broken. All other ties will be decided by USBC rules.
• Only one individual or special award will be given to any one person or Team. In the absence of rules stated here, USBC rules shall prevail.
• Each team must take turns selling 50/50 tickets, if a team refuses to sell tickets on their turn, that team will be excluded from the payout benefit at prize fund distribution.
Prize Fund Committee 2021-2022:
Aaron Leman
Ken Kohma Marcel Masukawa
50/50: Jennifer Colbert
No Bowl Dates 2021-2022:
December 27, 2021
January 3, 2022